Micheal Kenley

This is a letter of recommendation in regards to Jimmy Davis and the ministry of Jesus Christ thru him.
We have been honored to have Jimmy serve Christ and minister to us at Fellowship Chapel in numerous capacities. He has led our praise in our Family Worship, he has done men's functions, leadership retreats, concerts, Missions Conferences, and powerfully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ in worship in such a way as to call men and women to come to Christ and to become like Christ! We have been spiritually blessed thru Christ by the Holy Spirit in Jimmy's praise and proclamation ministry. I would highly recommend him to any church family desiring Christ and His glory! (I could make no higher recommendation.)
Jimmy is a spiritual man with a Christ centered focus who is faithful and fruitful to God's glory!
If I could ever answer any inquiries concerning Jimmy and his ministry it will be my pleasure!
Sincerely in and thru Christ,
Michael L. Kenley, Pastor